Sunday, March 29, 2009

Expository Essay (Scrap CCT)

Many people believed that exams are good and they are a form of acknowledgement for the students. However, stress will soon follow and even when they have the knowledge, under the pressure of stress, they will underperform. I strongly agree that CCT should be scraped as there are other forms of assessments, like projects and worksheets. They would reduce stress and can allow the students to perform at their best. It is logical that everyone wanted to do their best but it also depends on emotions and environment at that time. This would greatly improve the results of the students and allow the teachers to understand and help them out in areas that they are weak in when they performed their best.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What's expository?

Expository writing is a type of writing, where it is used to inform people using logic, credibility, ethics and emotions.(Logos, Ethos and Pathos) It maybe used to persuade or argue against someone. Most of the time, we can see them in commentaries or discussions in newspaper, debates or comments. Expository is rather useful to counter a point and even gain good points from ethically bad points in the case of Thank You for Smoking, a movie which argues for cigarette which, to most of the non-smokers, are bad as they are harmful and increases chances of cancer. The character, Nick Taylor, argues for cigarette even though he knows the harmful effects of cigarette on human body.